
Human Solidarity to Social Center “Ex Canapificio”. Against the government of hatred and racism. Demonstration in Caserta, march 16th, 2 pm

Human Solidarity to Social Center “Ex Canapificio”
Against the government of hatred and racism

We express our solidarity with the friends of the Ex Canapificio Social Center of Caserta, for the repressive act with which the seizure of their headquarters was arranged.
The specious reasons of the provision must not deceive us: it is a clear attack, wanted and instigated by the current government, to one of the realities that for years has been engaged in the practice of reception and solidarity towards people in need and in trouble, immigrants and natives together.
It is therefore a very serious action: attacking the Caserta CSA is tantamount to attacking all of us. Therefore, defending the Ex-Canapificio CSA means defending the life and freedom of all and everyone.
The yellow-green government Conte-Salvini-Di Maio is confirmed as a fascist and racist force, which threatens and attacks the solidarity and anti-racist people (as it did with the inhabitants and the mayor of Riace). A government that shows all its violence by financing the lager camps in Libya, and absurdly dumping the responsibility for deaths at sea caused by closed borders on NGOs. A government that without mercy abandons children, guilty only of coming from different countries (as it happened with the guests of the Baobab or the center of Castelnuovo di Porto in Rome). A government that creates insecurity and destroys jobs. A government that covers and encourages acts of racism in the streets and stadiums.
Being side by side with friends of the Social Center Ex-Canapificio in important battles, in events like the National Demonstration in Rome on November 10th, gives us strength and confidence in facing this further commitment so that spaces of aggregation and solidarity are not closed or threatened.

For these reasons, we invite all people of good will, all persons and the solidarity and anti-racist realities, to mobilize themselves alongside the Social Center, starting from

National demonstration organized by CSA Ex-Canapificio
Saturday, March 16th, at 2 pm, Caserta train station

Hands off Ex- Canapificio! Immediate withdrawal of the seizure order!

15 marzo 2019

Associazione Antirazzista Interetnica "3 Febbraio"
Web: www.a3f.org - Mail: napoli@a3f.org
Tel: (+39)3465708065
Twitter: @Ass3Febbraio ; FaceBook: Ass3Febbraio

Solidarietà Umana al CSA Ex Canapificio contro il governo dell’odio e del razzismo, manifestazione a Caserta, 16 marzo, ore 14 - ENGLISH.pdf154.05 KB