
comunicato rifugiati di milano

We are refugees from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Somalia and we escaped from blood suckers dictatorship governaments. We are here for protection.

Before anything our problem is not politic but it’s humanitarian. Again we will ask the Italian state to respect our right because now is the right time.

We live in the street like rubbish inside garbages and we are obliged to live in Italy because our digital finger prints are stored into Italian state, according to Dublin agreement.

The refugees in Italy don’t have almost any right and we didn’t ashamed and we didn’t feel shy if today we stand as one man for our right, because our right means our life. We are tired to try to build ourselves from zero and at last still find ourselves in zero yet. We have fear for our future because our future looks like nightmare.

Since long time we live with fear. Now even the fear is tired in us. The Italian state gave us two ways. If we accept the first one we will die silently and if we refuse it we will die quickly. So we prefer to die quickly without suffer.

When we went to the Comune and Prefettura of Milan we gave them three solutions:

To cancel our digital finger prints so that we will take our opportunity in others european countries
To give us the letter to go out of Italy and they refused to do so
To leave to go to the third EU country on foot.
The result was they blocked us on the round and kicked us like animals.

We want you to imagine your life without house. We have the right to clean ourselves at least twice a month. At Caritas our body smell like died fish. Remember: we have the same right in this beautiful planet!

The second step is that they tried to divide us. After all that in human action we are stronger than yesterday. Stop yours ancient jokes, because you can fool some people for some times, but you cannot fool all all the time. It’s insanity to tray over and over again for the same result.

The south of Italy is the gate of Italy, we came through that way but this doesn’t mean that we have the address over there. Every city wants to escape from the responsibility, even the Comune of Milan too. We want ask to the Comune of Milan: does the beautiful Milan under the Italian authority?

If answer is yes it mean we have the right to live in Milan. We don’t want to change the Italian law: please don’t mix our international law with your internal law. Enough it’s enough, for everything there is a limit, for any action there is a equal and opposite reaction.

We are tired of your cruelty, as president Giorgio Napolitano said the extra-community are energy of Italy if the Italian state know how to use it, because manpower is blessing. We are not lazy peoples and we know how to build our lives, and we know live isn’t easy in this economical crisis.

We believe in ourselves and we are full of self-confidence.

On 23rd april 2009 first they tried to took us by force from the garden city park of Porta Venezia, they asked who we are and where we came from, and after told us they check our documents.

So they could check it up in the Questura of Milan and they took our photographs, and after a little meeting with Comune of Milan, after long discussion, we agreed to solve the problem in fifteen days, through dialogue.

On 24th april 2009 the delegation of Comune of Milan arrived at 9.30 AM in the “dormitorio” they was carrying the regulation of the “dormitorio”. We told them it doesn’t concern to us, because we are in the “dormitorio” in special condition only in no-permanent situation, to continue the dialogue, without sleeping outside in the street.

We ask to the delegation if there is a possibility to stay in the “dormitorio” and continue our demonstrations, but they told us that we haven’t the right to continue our demonstrations and they dismissed us from the “dormitorio”.

So now we are in the street of Milan again, and we feel free more than in the “dormitorio” because “dormitorio” means for us a big prison. Since there is no life without house as the recommendation of may 1951 Convention of Geneva garanteed us the right of housing. Our right of housing must be garanted.

Our right is clear. We want our right now, and we don’t believe in the democratic state where there is punishment for homeless, jobless, poors refugees .

We heard their words, we didn’t asked them jobs or some amount of money because we know how and where to go search for job.

Our first request is a house, according to the recommendation of may 1951 witch guaranteed us the right to have a housing as refugees.

Insanity is to try over and over again for the same result. Don’t try to full us again. Stop your depression, enough is enough, because we are tired from your cruelty.

If the Italian state respect our right…..yes we can!

Refugees of Milan Committee - Comitato rifugiati di Milano