
Solidarity and welcoming for Afghan people

Solidarity and welcoming for Afghan people

The Taliban have reconquered Afghanistan, without resistance on behalf of the Afghan army.
Several witnesses talk of atrocities which above all affect children and women (starting from those engaged in and committed to feminine freedoms: journalists and activists), and of so many victims among the common people. This is the result of twenty years of the NATO's lie of a "humanitarian war” which has paved the way for the human tragedy we are now witnessing.

We defend and welcome those thousands of people fleeing to save themselves as well as their loved ones: it is our own humanity that is at stake.

We support Afghan women and men who are a proof of freedom and who fight for it.

We denounce all State governments which are erecting walls and are concerned with blocking the flux of refugees. Now the EU is stating that dealing with the new Taliban government is needed. It is almost certain that the USA will also do it shortly, given that they had already signed an agreement with the Taliban. China, Russia and Turkey are already doing so.

This is evidence that not a single State has human life in their interests, specially the fate of the afghan people, as a young woman in tears reminds us when saying "we do not count because we were born in Afghanistan".

We call on all people of good will and all solidary groups and associations to unite for:

- - Immediate and unconditional humanitarian corridors!
- - Unconditional humane hospitality for all refugees!
- - No to expulsions: permit of stay for everyone!


Antiracist Interethnic "3 Febbraio" Association

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Tel: Napoli 3465708065 –Bologna 3475227729 - Genova 3474217649
Tel: Roma 064452730 - Firenze 3312980456 – Palermo 3391925483
Twitter: @Ass3Febbraio; Facebook: Ass3Febbraio

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