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- Contro il razzismo - sanatoria e libertà per tutti/e gli immigrati/e
Dear brothers and sisters, as we all know, we are going through a delicate moment and not only in this country, due to the Coronavirus epidemic. This is not the first nor the last emergency that we have faced in our lives or that we will have to face in the future. Sometimes, everyday life far away from home, together with immigration under complicated conditions, call for us to be strong. It is precisely now when we should showcase the human strength we have. We can learn to be more wise and careful when looking after each other. Our appeal is to stay united, to increase and spread solidarity as well as mutual prudence. In this sense, we should respect some prevention measures which can help us, knowing that this epidemic is to be taken seriously, not dramatically. If it is necessary to call the emergency number, it is important that there is someone who can speak Italian next to you, so they can explain well how you feel. Even more so if you go to a sanitary facility. It is important for doctors, to know what the specific and detailed symptoms are. Let’s learn to give each other a hand when it is needed. You will find below, simple but necessary information along with behavior rules, useful numbers and references. Pass them on and share with everybody you know.
March 13th. Update regarding all valid circulation restrictions in all Italian regions in effect from March 10th until April 3rd 2020:
You cannot leave your house except for valid reasons: to go to work, for health reasons or for other necessary reasons like buying essential foods. There will be controls and patrols on behalf of the police. To prove these necessary reasons, you will need to fill in a “self-declaration form” (autodichiarazione) stating the reasons for leaving your house, this form can/will be given on the spot by the police themselves. The validity of the declaration will be checked subsequently. If the declaration is false, this constitutes a violation. It is important to always have with you your Identification documents.
According to the Internal Ministry newsletter “circulating is allowed for ‘provision of food’ ‘everyday needs of domestic animals’ and to ‘do sport and exercise outdoors respecting the interpersonal distance of at least one metre’
- leave your house if you have been placed in quarenteen or have tested positive to the virus. In the case of respiratory infection or fever higher than 37.5 degrees it is strongly recommended to stay in your hou-se, to seek you own doctor and to limit contact with other people as much as possible.
- go for a walk outdoors, do sports, as long as you avoid gathering in a group of people and the interper-sonal distance of one metre is respected
- go out to buy food
- use your bike to go to work, to your residence house, as well as to reach primary needs places (i.e. pharmacy) and to do physical activity
- go back to the place where you live, your domicile or residence, taking into consideration that later you will only be able to leave for work purposes, circumstancial basic needs or for health reasons
- travel between two cities in order to go to work
Numeri verdi regionali: Abruzzo: L’Aquila:118, Chieti-Lanciano-Vasto: 800 860 146, Pescara: 118, Teramo: 800 090 147 - Basilicata: 800 99 66 88 - Calabria: 800 76 76 76 Campania: 800 90 96 99 - Emilia-Romagna: 800 033 033 - Friuli Venezia Giulia: 800 500 300 Lazio: 800 11 88 00 - Liguria: 112 - Lombardia: 800 89 45 45 Marche: 800 93 66 77 - Molise: 0874 313000 e 0874 409000 Piacenza: 0523 317979: attivo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 8 alle 18 e il sabato dalle 8 alle 13 Piemonte: 800 19 20 20 attivo 24 ore - 800 333 444 attivo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle ore 8 alle 20 Provincia Trento: 800 867 388 - Provincia Bolzano: 800 751 751 Puglia: 800 713 931 - Sardegna: 800 311 377 - Sicilia: 800 45 87 87 - Toscana: 800 55 60 60 Umbria: 800 63 63 63 - Val d’Aosta: 800 122 121 - Veneto: 800 462 340 Attivo anche il numero di pubblica utilità 1500 del Ministero della Salute.
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